Start by setting a realistic time frame to detangle your hair. The detangling process can take anywhere between 45 minutes to 1 1/2 hours. Be patient with your hair.

Divide your hair into sections: Working with smaller sections makes the detangling process more manageable. Use hair accessories to separate your hair into six or more sections, depending on the thickness and length. The sections should be small enough to correctly detangle and saturate with product.
3.Apply a detangling product: Use a detangling conditioner prior to shampooing hair. Apply the product generously to each section, focusing on the ends where tangles are most common.

4. After detangling 75 % with fingers, use a wide-toothed comb or detangling brush if necessary: Begin at the ends of your hair and gradually work upward toward the roots using a wide-toothed comb or detangling brush. Use gentle, steady strokes to prevent pulling or unnecessary breakage.
5. Wash your hair in sections. It is best to shampoo your hair in double strand twist to prevent breakage. Rinse out the Pre-Poo throughly and shampoo hair after. Washing your hair when it is completely out can cause unnecessary tangles.

7. Deep condition consistently: Incorporating regular deep conditioning treatments into your hair care routine helps maintain moisture, softness, and manageability, reducing the risk of severe tangles and knots while promoting overall hair health.
Keep in mind that everyone’s hair is different, so it’s important to discover the detangling method that suits you best. Care for your 4C hair by using gentle techniques, keeping it moisturized, and approaching the detangling process with patience to promote healthy hair and reduce breakage.
